Welcome to Sarah Zent Foundation

Sarah, Carter, Ashton, & Aubree Zent

On June 2.2021 our lives changed forever.  Sarah 26, Carter 5, Ashton 3, and Aubree 2  were murdered by Sarah's boyfriend who had moved in Sarah's home approximately 5 weeks prior.  We lost 4 in the matter of minutes. We lost a Daughter, Grandchildren, Son, Brother, Sister, Niece, Nephew, Cousin. We never thought we would be living this nightmare, but here we are. Sarah was a good mom,  she didn't go out to bars she was in her home where they should have been safe... Little did we know the danger that was living in that house with Sarah, Carter, Ashton, and Aubree. Sarah and 3 of her children were brutally murdered by Sarah's boyfriend. The day this happened it Rained all day. We "family" started getting to Sarah's house the story was all over the news and Facebook. Most of us was there on scene by 11am. Her whole street was covered with police cars, EMS, fire trucks and the Coroner's office, Detectives,  Prosecuting Attorney's Office. We all stood in the rain just waiting and watching as the authorizes went  in and out of the house, knowing our family was inside that house dead. There was nothing any of us could do but wait. We did know who murdered them, Cohen. He also had stolen the neighbors truck to get away. Indiana State Troopers found him about 100 miles away.  We got the call from the detective while we were all still standing outside Sarah's. THEY GOT HIM!!! I couldn't yell load enough! We where all happy that in a matter of hours they got him! Our hearts were all still shattered! After hours of waiting, we watched  as our loved ones where bought out in body bags.  One after the other. All you could hear was the cries of  family that now all hope if any was lost. We all just stood there even after they left with heir bodies. I think we were all too scared to leave. I think for some of us if we left even though they had already taken their bodies... that last task us leaving made it REAL. None of us could understand why this happened. And why Sarah? why  Carter, Ashton, and Aubree. Those babies were no threat to him. There are still so many unanswered questions.  And things we may never have answers to.  but one thing is for certain, there will never be a reason that warrants murder! 

silhouette of child sitting behind tree during sunset

Sarah Zent Funeral Procession to Cemetery 

Watch as family and friends say there last good-byes 


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